Inquiry Winbacks

Re-engage potential guests and boost bookings


Inquiry Winbacks help you increase conversions by re-engaging potential guests who have inquired about a stay but haven’t completed a booking.

Similar to abandoned cart emails in e-commerce, Inquiry Winbacks are designed to pick up the conversation when it stalls, giving potential guests an extra nudge to finalize their stay. By following up on inquiries that have gone cold, you can bring potential guests back into the conversation and turn them into confirmed bookings.


Here’s how Inquiry Winbacks work:

  1. A potential guest makes an inquiry about a listing.

  2. The host responds to the inquiry.

  3. If the potential guest doesn’t respond after a set period, the AI automatically follows up with a personalized message to re-engage the guest.

  4. The conversation continues from where it left off, giving the guest the chance to ask more questions, address concerns, or finalize the booking.

You can set up multiple follow-up messages and even offer an optional discount to further incentivize bookings.


  1. Set Inquiry Winback Timing: Go to the "Inquiry Winbacks" tab in the Upsells page. Set the trigger for how long after a host’s message without a guest response the AI should send a follow-up.

  2. Add Follow-ups: Set multiple follow-up attempts if you wish. You can customize the timing for each follow-up to maximize the chances of re-engaging the potential guest.

  3. Optional Discounts: You have the option to include a discount in your winback messages to provide extra motivation for the guest to book, but this is not required.

  4. Custom Messages: If you want more control over the follow-up messaging, enable the custom message option. This allows you to craft specific templates for each follow-up. However, leaving the default AI-generated follow-ups on will ensure a more personalized, dynamic response based on the conversation.

By setting up Inquiry Winbacks, you can ensure that every potential guest is given multiple opportunities to engage and finalize their booking, maximizing your conversion rate.

Last updated