Inquiry Winbacks

Re-engage potential guests and drive bookings

What is an Inquiry Winback?

Similar to "Abandoned Cart" emails in e-commerce, an inquiry winback is designed to convert potential guests who went all the way to the point of booking a stay but didn't proceed with booking.

Here's how it works:

  1. Potential guest makes an inquiry

  2. Host responds to inquiry

  3. If the potential guest doesn't respond to your inquiry after a set amount of time, the AI will send a follow-up to re-engage the guest, continue the conversation, and get them to book

Set Up Inquiry Winbacks

Go to the third tab titled Inquiry Winbacks

Set the time for how long after an unanswered host message you want the AI to follow-up on the conversation.

Set as many follow-ups as you want and even include a discount to incentivize bookings

Discounts are not required

Custom Messages

If you click the check for custom messages, you are able to write a templated message that will be sent for each follow-up message. If you don't click the check (the default option), the AI will pick up where the conversation left off.

We recommend letting the AI carry the conversation to keep it personalized to each conversation

Last updated