Connect to Breezeway API

Use Breezeway? Connect it to HostAI.

How to Connect

Go to the Tasks page and click the Breezeway button. We need your "clientID" and "clientSecret". Reach out to your Breezeway rep and they will send you this information.

Map HostAI to Breezeway Departments

Once your Breezeway account is connected, click the Import People button sync your contacts and be sure to map the HostAI task categories to your preferred department.

Send HostAI Tasks to Breezeway

When you want to send a HostAI-created task to Breezeway:

  1. Assign the task to the relevant team member in HostAI

  1. Click the checkbox next to the task and click the Sync button

HostAI tasks will show up in Breezeway with the status "created"

Once a task is sent to Breezeway

Once a task is sent to Breezeway, it becomes read-only in HostAI and only editable in Breezeway. The tasks will be displayed in a third table titled "Sent to Breezeway".

Last updated