Manage Conversations

Get to and close conversations quickly.

The goal for every team is to make sure all guest questions are answered and no conversation is left open. In this section, we will break down how to find conversations and what to do once the conversation has been closed.

Searching for Conversations

  1. Search bar: Search for the convo you want by typing the guest name.

  1. Filters: independent from or in addition to the search bar, you can filter your inbox by many different variables to display the conversations you want to look for.

When an AI-generated response is available in a conversation, you will see an icon of "Hosty" in the message preview. (see below)

Closing Conversations

Read vs. Unread Messages

Unread messages will have a blue tint on the message preview while read messages will not. When you click on an unread message, it will become read.

Read vs. Archive

Archiving instead of marking emails as read is the HostAI-recommended way to manage your inbox. Once no immediate action is required on a message, simply click on the Archive icon at the top of the message preview. This way, you'll be able to focus on only seeing the conversations that need your attention, rather than having to look through a long list of both read and unread conversations.

Last updated