Autopilot On vs. Off
When you turn Autopilot on, HostAI will respond to all non-urgent messages automatically
When Autopilot is Off
Autopilot is off by default. This means that you need to approve all AI-generated messages before they are sent to the guest.
This is meant for:
Teams and users who have just created their HostAI account
Teams who want to feel confident with the AI responses before having them sent automatically
When Autopilot is On
When you turn Autopilot on, the AI will respond to all non-urgent messages automatically.
Auto-Pilot is meant for:
Teams who have had a HostAI account for at least 2 weeks
Teams who are confident in the AI responses
Situations Where the AI Does Won't Respond When Autopilot is On
Messages Tagged as Urgent: If a message is tagged as urgent while autopilot is on, the AI will not respond to it automatically and escalate the message to you to respond to.
Messages Where the AI Doesn't Have Enough Information to Respond: If the AI doesn't have enough information to respond to a guest message, the AI will not respond to it automatically and escalate the message to you to respond to
Last updated