Adding Team Members

Add employees and team members access to your HostAI workspace

How to

  1. Go to Settings -> Workspace -> Add Member. Select whether you want the team member to be an admin or a member.

The only thing a member can't do is remove the PMS integration

  1. Your team member will get an email invite that looks like this.

  1. From there, the team member will create a new account or log into an account if they've already created one.

If you added team members the old way (a bunch of emails on one shared account), click here to see how to remove team member's emails before re-adding them

  1. Pending invites will live here

  1. Once they are all set up, you will be able to see all members here

Remove Team Members' Emails from a Single Shared Account

  1. If you've added team member's emails to an account in the past, you must first remove them from the account.

  1. Click Manage Account

  1. Click Remove Email Address and your team member's email

Last updated